Past Graduate Students
Elementary Particle Theory

Prateek Agrawal
Graduated: 2012
Thesis: “Flavored Dark Matter”
Associate Professor of Theoretical Particle Physics at the University of Oxford

Aleksandr Azatov
Graduated: 2010
Thesis: “Flavor Physics in the Models with Warped Extra Dimension”
Assistant Professor at SISSA in Trieste, Italy

Arushi Bodas
Graduated: 2023
Currently a postdoc at Fermilab

Dawid Brzeminski

Bhupal Dev
Graduated: 2012
Thesis: “Supersymmetric Inverse Seesaw and its Phenomenology”
Assistant Professor at Washington University in St. Louis

Sungwoo Hong
Graduated: 2017
Thesis: “A Natural Extension Of Standard Warped Higher-Dimensional Compactifications: Theory And Phenomenology”
Currently a Junior at Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST)

Clayton Ristow

Deepak Sathyan

Hai-bo Yu
Graduated: 2007
Thesis: “Flavor Symmetry, leptogenesis and grand unification theories”
Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of California, Riverside
Nuclear Theory

Aleksey Cherman
Graduated: 2010
Thesis: “Transport coefficients and universality in hot strongly-coupled gauge theories”
Assistant Professor at University of Minnesota

Srimoyee Sen
Graduated: 2015
Thesis: “Topics in Neutron Star Physics”
Assistant Professor at Iowa State University
Gravitation Theory

Ryan Behunin
Graduated: 2010
Thesis: “Nonequilibrium Quantum Fluctuation Forces”
Currently Assistant Professor at Northern Arizona University

Anzi Hu
Graduated: 2010
Thesis: “Quantum many-body phenomena in ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices”
Currently Professional Lecturer at American University

William Donnelly
Graduated: 2012
Thesis: “Vacuum Entanglement and Black Hole Entropy of Gauge Fields”
Currently Postdoc at the Perimeter Institute

Antony Speranza
Thesis: “Investigations On Entanglement Entropy in Gravity”
Currently Postdoc at the Perimeter Institute

Aron Wall
Graduated: 2011
Thesis: ” How to Prove a Differential Form of the Generalized Second Law”
Currently Faculty at the University of Cambridge