Recent News

Prof. Alessandra Buonanno wins NSF award

Prof. Alessandra Buonanno wins NSF award of $240,000 in additional funding, bringing the total award to $480,000 for her work  “In Search of Gravitational Waves:  Modeling the Final Moments of Coalescing Compact Binaries.”

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Prof. Jacobson was Quoted in Nature, News Feature, April 4

Prof. Ted Jacobson (Physics and JSI) was quoted in Nature, News Feature, April 4, in an article entitled “Will an astronaut who falls into a black hole be crushed or burned to a crisp?” The article described a conundrum involving black holes and Hawking radiation that...

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Prof. Gates Spoke at APS April Meeting

Jim Gates (Physics) was an invited speaker at the American Physical Society’s April Meeting, April 13-16, Denver, CO. His talk was entitled “Transformation and Opportunity: The Future of the US Research Enterprise – PCAST Report.”

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