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Rabindra Mohapatra presented a plenary talk at the 22nd International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions
Rabindra Mohapatra presented a plenary talk at the 22nd International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions held in Manchester, UK, July 20-26. Earlier Mohapatra had presented the opening talk in the CERN workshop on...
R.N. Mohapatra Quoted in "Nautilus"
R. N. Mohapatra was quoted in the popular science magazine "Nautilus" (June 12, 2014 issue) in an article on "Neutrino Mass" entitled "This shape shifter could tell us why matter exists."
Dr. Jim Gatesis at the USA Science & Engineering Festival
As part of the USA Science & Engineering Festival, Dr. Jim Gatesis one of “The Nifty Fifty” scientists and engineers who will fan out across the Washington, DC area in the 2013-2014 school year to speak at various middle and high schools about their work and...
Dr. Thomas Cohen was quoted in New Scientist
Dr. Thomas Cohen was quoted in New Scientist, April 10, in an article on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) confirming the existence of a particle known as Z(4430). The findings are available at:
UMD Professor Sylvester James "Jim" Gates, Jr., Named Scientist of the Year.
University of Maryland physics professor Sylvester James "Jim" Gates, Jr., has been named the 2014 Scientist of the Year by students and faculty of the Harvard Foundation. Read More
Prof. Mohapatra Appointed to Editorial Advisory Board of Nuclear Physics B
Prof. R. N. Mohapatra has been selected to the Editorial Advisory Board of Nuclear Physics B, an Elsevier journal. He was also named one of the best referees for this journal.
Prof. Gates to speak at the Nobel Conference
Prof. James Gates (Physics) will present the closing lecture at the Nobel Conference 49: The Universe at Its Limits. The conference, which usually draws 6,000 people, will take place at Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, MN, October 1-2. Three Nobel laureates,...