Recent News

Prof. Gates Received the National Medal of Science

President Obama has named James Gates (Physics) as one of this year’s recipients of the National Medal of Science. The National Medal of Science and the National Medal of Technology and Innovation are the highest honors bestowed by the United States Government upon...

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Prof. Ted Jacobson mentioned in New Scientist’s article

Ted Jacobson (Physics) was mentioned in an article in New Scientist, October edition, on a laser being made out of an artificial black hole. Once complete the device could help confirm mounting evidence that black holes do emit light. In 1999 Jacobson suggested...

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Prof. Jim Gates featured by Takepart

Jim Gates (Physics) gave a talk on the future of STEM education in America at the Philander Smith College, Little Rock, AK which was featured by Takepart, October 25.

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Almuni’s Documentary Series Debuted on PBS

Aziza Baccouche (2002 Ph.D. Physics, advisor Tom Cohen) was spotlighted in Science, Spotlight on Diversity, August 31. Baccouche founded a production company called AZIZA Productions a few years before graduating and began making films and short documentaries for...

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Prof. Mohapatra organized Two Workshops

Rabindra Mohapatra (Physics) organized two workshops: one in the International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy on "Behind the Neutrino Mass," taking place in September 17-21, 2012 and one in Lead, South Dakota (site of the famous Homestake mine) on...

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Professor Pati Mentioned in Higgs Boson Comment

Jogesh Pati (Physics) was mentioned in the IDS Comment, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (New Delhi, India) on the discovery of the Higgs boson. Pati received the 2000 Dirac Medal and Prize for his pioneering contributions to the quest for a unified theory...

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