May 25, 2023 | News
Graduate student Saurabh Kadam wins Charles T Husar Award. More information about the award can be found here
May 2, 2023 | News
Maryland Center for Fundamental Physics (MCFP), at University of Maryland, is proud to host a three-day workshop on Cosmological Probes of New Physics. The workshop will bring together particle physicists and cosmologists to share new ideas of using cosmological...
May 2, 2023 | News
Celebrating the career and retirement of Rabindra Mohapatra with a workshop October 20 and 21, 2022
Dec 20, 2021 | News
The Maryland Center for Fundamental Physics’ faculty assistant, Melanie Knouse, recieved the University of Maryland Department of Physics’ Staff Excellence Award for 2021.
Oct 13, 2021 | News
Congratulations to Kaustubh Agashe who has just been elected an APS Fellow in recognition of his pioneering work on the theory of (holographic) Composite Higgs!
May 19, 2021 | News
MCFP graduate student Arushi Bodas has been awarded the Ruth Davis Fellowship for Mathematics and Physics based on her research in Cosmological Inflation.